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What The Heck Is A 'Digital Transformation'?

Working in the IT industry, you learn a lot of acronyms and vocabulary that ends up sounding like its own language to the outside world.

Blending those technical terms with business terminology makes it very easy to get lost in a labyrinth of words and letters. Inside that labyrinth there are terms with significant meaning that requires even more words and letters to explain their meaning.

Often times, you can associate some of these terms as just hot buzzwords. Terms like "Customer-centric", "Corporate Synergy", "Ecosystem Development". It can be very easy to just write off many of these phrases as just marketing mumbo jumbo. And, in some cases, that's all they might just be!

You might reflexively write this term off, maybe even think that it doesn't apply to you, that would be a mistake.

"Digital Transformation" sounds a lot like just another buzzword, especially for those outside looking in. You might reflexively write this term off, maybe even think that it doesn't apply to you, that would be a mistake.

Defining "Digital Transformation"

According to Wikipedia, Digital Transformation is the "adoption of digital technology to transform services or businesses, through replacing non-digital or manual processes with digital processes or replacing older digital technology with newer digital technology. "

So, does that just mean emailing stuff instead of faxing stuff?

Yes. But it can mean a lot more.

Oh, so by more, you mean things like identity management and automation?

Yep, but even more than that!

At Aevo, we say Digital Transformation is a mindset. It's a part of your culture and lifestyle. It's an unavoidable component to technology that has become part of our world. It's the idea of embracing technology and integrating it into our lives, our workflow, and our culture.

When we say it's unavoidable, it's because it is.

When was the last time your wrote someone a letter to say hello? Have you ever sent a telegram? Have you noticed that you use your phone as a phone less and less? Know anyone who won't pick up a phone call, but will reply to a text without hesitation?

For better or worse, it's a natural part of our society embracing technology.

We say Digital Transformation is a mindset.

Digital Transformation is a mindset of not just investing in technology for the sake of technology, we aren't talking about having the latest and greatest computers, smartphones, or gadgets. It is a state of mind that identifies the right technology as an investment rather than an expense.

So, what does this have to do with my business?

We see three main components to technology in your business:

  1. Infrastructure

    1. e.g. computers, servers, data, and networking equipment

  2. Software

    1. The applications used in your business to get things done

  3. People

    1. The identities and workflows that they follow

Your People follow workflows that utilize Software that relies on your Infrastructure.

Each component needs to be protected, supported, and maintained. There's a cost of time, licensing, and equipment to bring it all together. It's very difficult to run a business without these components.

Without a Digital Transformation mindset, things just exist. You might have some great technology that is used in your business, but not really integrated with many workflows. Technology is a necessary burden.

With a Digital Transformation mindset, things exist with purpose. You are equipping your Company and Staff with tools to be more efficient and improve the quality of their work. Technology helps your business evolve, it is part of your company's culture.

With a Digital Transformation mindset, things exist with purpose.

Adopting this mindset accepts the idea that every business is a technology company.

This doesn't mean you are throwing away every old idea and process, it means your Business has an ongoing strategy to enhance itself with technology.

In some cases, that could mean equipping your Staff with software and training that you currently don't have. However, it also can mean smaller objectives like a monitor upgrade or documenting your internal processes so everyone is on the same page.

Got it. So how does a "Digital Transformation" actually work?

Whether you are a member of a team, the manager of a department, or part of leadership, you are the most important component to beginning or advancing your Company's digital transformation. It doesn't matter if you are a team of 10, 50, or 1000.

Start with these three questions:

  1. Do I trust our technology?

    1. If your IT support or infrastructure is not reliable, secure, and stable, then that's the first place to begin.

  2. Do I have the right software to do our jobs efficiently?

    1. If your core business software is out of date or you aren't using modern platforms like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace, it's time to get updated!

  3. Do I feel equipped to use the technology available to me?

    1. If you or your Staff aren't trained and empowered to utilize your technology investments properly, you are not just wasting time and money, but it's likely adding unnecessary challenges and frustration in your workplace!

From there, communicate with your team, management, and IT resources. Learn about your existing workflows, the technology you have invested in, and potential solutions you might not have invested in yet.

If your IT support or infrastructure is not reliable, secure, and stable, then that's the first place to begin.

Maybe you already have solutions with potential that was never unlocked. Or, maybe it's time to invest in new software to help you solve problems that couldn't be solved before. It could be that your industry demands you to digitize every department to stay competitive and compliant. Or, maybe just a few steps in the right direction is all you need. The right path forward is going to be different for every business.

Either way, the idea of dropping in new technology and expecting it to magically work out is not going to lead to a good result. Take it slow, plan carefully, start small, and be prepared for roadblocks. The Business, top to bottom, needs to take ownership of the process.

Just as you need to set your people up to succeed, your digital transformation needs to be set up for success.

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